Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Lions and Tigers and Bears! Oh My!

First of all, today's post is part of a blog hop. At the end of this entry, be sure to see the links to continue on with your artsy reading.The blog hop was inspired by the friendships developed by various artists that recently took a creative business e-course by Kelly Rae Roberts. If you aren't familiar with Kelly, you will love her work. She recently offered the e-course"Flying Lessons: Tips and tricks to help your Creative Business Soar" where she shared everything she has learned in her journey into starting her own creative business. From that course, the participants (fellow creative people) have continued to network and share ideas. (thanks, Kelly!). This is our first blog hop!

What I'm sharing today is (Oh My) my newest crazy idea that I've named "Cell Phone Pictures from Oz". If you haven't figured it out, it's picture Dorothy would have captured on her cell phone if she had one. These are 5.5 x 2" wood blocks and perfect for kids rooms, or those that are still young at heart.

My last mini-pic to do will be the (you guessed it) ruby slippers! I mean, that IS what all the fuss was about, right?

Today is special for another reason - I'm featured blogger on EBSQ's Art Blog!

Enjoy your blog hopping and thanks for stopping by.

To continue to the next blog, visit Michelle Dwyer's Blog.

If you came across the hop by accident, here is a list of blogs to visit

Amaranthine Violet: http://magic-gypsy.blogspot.com/

Amy Hillenbrand: http://amyhillenbrand.blogspot.com

Beatriz Peñas B.: http://beatrizbepe.blogspot.com/

Beth Cougler Blom: http://sobliss.wordpress.com/

Carmen Patti: http://carmenpattistudio.com/wordpress/

Carol Bray: http://theredpaintedcottage.blogspot.com

Christina Fajardo: http://christinafajardo.blogspot.com/

Cindy Jones Lantier: http://www.lantier.org

Connie Rawlins : http://www.dabblinginlife.blogspot.com/

Dana Brock: http://www.dzynbydana.blogspot.com

Deborah Velásquez : http://deborahvelasquez.blogspot.com

Elissa Brown: http://thefreckledarmy.blogspot.com

Hillary Courson: http://www.hillarycourson.com

Jacquie Williamson: http://www.jacquiewilliamson.blogspot.com/

Jane Paynting: http://inkspiredwings.wordpress.com

Janet Forrest: http://tatterednworn.wordpress.com/

Jennifer DeVille: http://jenniferdeville.com/blog/

Jill Lambert : http://www.jill-lambert.blogspot.com/

Julie Hamilton: http://spaark.wordpress.com

Kanchan Mahon: http://Kanchan-Mahon.blogspot.com/

Karen Claverie: http://giddyupletsride.blogspot.com

Kari DeSaulnier: http://karidesi.blogspot.com/

Kathleen Conard : http://newfromoldcreations.blogspot.com/

Kathleen McKinnon: http://harmonyschoolhouse.com/expressions-blog.html

Kathy May: http://kathymaydesigns.org

Kelley Miller: http://www.kelleymillerartworks.blogspot.com/

Kelly Corso: http://birdinatreecreations.blogspot.com/

Kelly Hoernig: http://www.kellyhoernig.blogspot.com/

Kim Hyer: http://www.apaperaddict.com/

Kris Lanae Binsfeld: http://cherishdesigns.wordpress.com

Lenore Angela: http://www.lenoreangela.blogspot.com/

Linda Barutha: http://lindabaruthadesigns.blogspot.com

Lisa Michele Products:

Liza Zeni Baker: http://lizazeni.wordpress.com/

Lynn Richards: http://alittlebluesky.blogspot.com

Lori Leissner: http://leissnerart.blogspot.com

Lori Moon: http://lorimoonstudio.blogspot.com

Mary Cottingham: http://www.barnbugstudio.blogspot.com/

Mary Sterk: http://justmarydesigns.wordpress.com

Megan Schmitt: http://www.schmittenwithwords.blogspot.com/

Melanie Douthit: www.douthitgallery.blogspot.com

Michelle Dwyer: http://www.magnetisedbylife.com/

Michelle Reynolds: http://shellsinthebush.blogspot.com/

Rachél Payne (Rae): http://collectingyourself.wordpress.com/

Rain Hannah: http://honeyandollie.com/

Rhiannon Connelly: http://www.starrybluesky.wordpress.com

Ruth-Mary Smith: http://patchworkfamilieshub.blogspot.com

Sherry Richert Belul:

Shirley Ann: http://leonardarenaissancewoman.blogspot.com/

Stacey Chadwick
Brown: http://staceybrownarts.blogspot.com/

Susan M. Walls-Beverly:

Teresa Cash-Czech: http://www.asmilemaker.com/

Tina Carlborg: http://www.tinachicky.blogspot.com/

Tonya Love: http://passport2creativity.com/

Ursula Smith: http://www.EasyScraps.com/blog

Zulma Cadena: http://edustory.wordpress.com/

Mary Cottingham http://www.barnbugstudio.blogspot.com

Have fun!


  1. They're really cute pieces of art, I know my nieces would love those. Lovely to have met you on this wonderful journey. Liza x

  2. Great to share this journey with you, your art is very fun!! Happy Hopping :) x

  3. Hi Melanie!!! Your work is beautiful... love the Wizard of Oz Theme... Gorgeous and I love your perspective of Dorothy having a cell phone! It would be a fun remake of Wizard of Oz with current technology! Awesome! Thanks for hopping with us! Kris :-)

  4. What a great concept - these are so fun! I am so thankful to be a part of this community!

  5. What a great concept - these are so fun! I am so thankful to be a part of this community!

  6. Melanie - Hopping over to say hello to a fellow flyer! I love your blocks, great colors and the concept of what Dorothy would have taken pictures of is so fun! Your paintings are beautiful.
    Happy flying!

  7. Melanie, these are absolutely adorable!!!

  8. I love (LOVE) your little blocks. How clever and talented you are. And congratulations on "blogger of the week."

  9. So cute, Melanie! I's a pleasure getting to know you better.


  10. The new art pieces you created are really adorable. I love whimsical art. I had to hop over and check your blog out. Very nice.

  11. Hi Melanie! I thought your Wizard pieces are so cute- that sock monkey made me smile! Your illustrations in your previous posts are fabulous too!

  12. Oh my gosh I think the flying sock monkey is the best EVER. I have a soft spot for all things OZ.

  13. Hi fellow flyer. I love your cell phone blocks, they are a riot. Very clever and creative and very well done. Nice to meet you on our artist journey.

  14. Melanie--such creative pieces you've made! I love the angle you took.

    It's great to fly with you.


  15. I love how you can change your style, I particularly like your more colorful ones (no surprise). Thanks for stopping by my blog and have a great day!

  16. Yay! I finally got here!! And the wait was worth it! I love your little pieces of art;D

  17. Love your little blocks! What a great idea!! Its been so great to be in the class with you. Thanks for being so generous with your knowledge. As a newbie at this I appreciate it so much!

  18. Melanie, I love that your art is so mixed and varied. I love looking through it all. You are very talented my friend! Julie

  19. Great art Melanie! It's so fun to be flying with you- I love the movie too :-)

  20. Hi Melanie adorable artwork Happy hopping. Jane x

  21. What a creative idea! I like how your mind works. Congrats on your feature. I hopped over there and checked it out. What a wonderful article. It is exciting seeing you soar. ....Rae

  22. Glad I saw where you reposted your link because I couldn't get to it from the list either! So glad you contributed to the HOP... always a pleasure and a little pick me up to see what you are working on! Whoo Hoo! Thanks for all you for the group, so glad to be flying with you...

  23. such cute paintings. i'll think they'll be really popular. good luck.

  24. What a great idea! I love all things Oz.
