There was a great turnout at Arts Goggle. I didn't take too many photos, but I did take one when one of my collectors showed up. This was the first time meeting in person. What a surprise to meet Malatha! She took home this bird painting.
My venue was Wells, Purcell and Kraatz, a law firm on Pennsylvania Avenue. The house is on the historic registry and was quite beautiful. And I couldn't go to the big city without doing a painting about the big city.
About an hour before it was over, we all took a stroll through the other venues on our block. It was a beautiful night. Thanks for everyone that came out, and thank you Texas for the invitation!
One our way home from Texas, we ended up traveling 45 minutes with the Run To The Wall bikers. I will upload a few pics on my next post. It was quite an experience! Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.
hello, Melanie! i enjoyed my visit to your blog today. your colorful paintings are delightful!