Thursday, March 21, 2013

The making of Esplanade Beauty

I thought I'd do something a little different today and post some photos of my painting process, well - at least one of them. Depending on what I'm working on, I have several methods of working on a piece. I have so much inspiration from our recent trip to New Orleans. We stayed on Esplande right where the French Quarter ends and the Marigny District starts. We spent most of our time eating and listening to Jazz on Frenchmen Street. I came back with some beautiful photos to paint from.

I prepared several canvases at once by choosing some colors and blending the paint. At this point I had no ide what I would be painting on them, but had some New Orleans scenes in mind. I chose one of the canvases and sketched out my scene, a building on Esplandade. Then I started adding paint to an 11" x 14" canvas.

Some pics of the progress.

The above photo is when it was almost finished.

"Esplanade Beauty" (sold)
I added the final details in this photo. I still think I have a few things I want to do before it's "done". Then my hubby will add a gallery style framing to it. I had a purchaser following my facebook page see my "in progress" photo, so this painting will be shipped of early next week.
I hope you enjoyed my "view" into my studio today. I'll be posting a few step by steps in the next few weeks of some mixed media. Check back often and don't forget to "like" my facebook page, Melanie Douthit Art Studio, or follow my in twitter at DouthitArt to see peeks of new art.
Thanks for stopping by! 

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